Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I wanna make of this my first post

The idea of a blog sounds very tempting. An open space where I can say whatever I want without revealing who I am... sounds good! So I'm going to try one.
However, I'm the least disciplined person in the whole world. I can convince myself that this time will be the time that I will use exfoliating lotion every night, or keep the house tidy... but it never happens. It doesn't last more than a week. Well... there was this time when my husband was pushing me to finish the P90X videos and I tried hard... very hard. But in the end, no matter how hard he tried, I couldn't make. I would find any excuse not to do it. He never got the point though, I didn't want to be like Dreya Weber, I just wanted to get rid of cellulite.

Let's see how this goes.

So, the reason why I wanted to start this is because there are lots of things I always want to say. I'm constantly talking. But then, I stare at a computer all day long, I work with the worst co-workers ever, and with my husband. I know... bad combination. But it turns out that I wanted to be a linguist, and you don't find many jobs on that over here; so when your husband's boss offers you a job, you don't say no.
I live in a very, very cold place where it's windy all the time. I have no friends and my husband doesn't like talking. As you can figure out, I am talk-deprived. I'm also very angry at many things. So, let's this be my therapy. Even if no one reads it.

One thing I'm angry about is fashion blogs. Don't get me wrong, I like wearing nice clothes and look all put together all the time too (I'm pretty sure I'm not good at that though), but I also find it extremely superficial. So I live with a dilemma regarding that topic. I want to have money to buy clothes - and travel - but I also want to help people. I like looking good, but I also feel terrible every time I spend a dime on something I really don't need. Now, the thing with these blogs though, is crazy! These women are just spending tons of money so they can show them off in a website. A website created entirely so people can look at them, admire them and compliment them. Is it me the only one who thinks that's crazy? It always makes me wonder what these women do for a living. How can they manage to buy so much clothes and not be broke? Not only that, but they all have the latest gadgets. They all show up in the photos with their iPhones and blackberrys, and iPads and iMacs.
I have to admit that when I found out about this whole deal with Foxconn I went home crying that day. But sometimes people just close their eyes in front of certain things. Because it's easier to live with an iPhone on your side, than with the knowledge of kids dying so that we can have an iPhone.

Sometimes I wish this world wasn't such a horrible place, which is the main reason why I refuse to have kids. Whenever I think about it, I end up realizing that this is not a good world to live in. Maybe it was a better place two centuries or more ago, but definitely not now. In the U.S. people spend most of their times worrying about success, money, fame... and the stupid "American Dream".

Many people would consider my views too liberal. I actually think I'm very in the middle.... well, yeah, maybe I'm a little bit more to the left than to the right, but to be honest, I prefer it that way.

I recently decided to move out to this arctic place I live in. Uhm... to be honest, "decided" is not the correct word; I have to. So my husband and I have been planning the move for the past two months and now we're finally almost there; at the point where we can just go home after work and not do anything related to the move. I'm not 100% happy about our move though. We're going to the place where I grew up and lived most of my life. However, the country has changed a lot in the past 10 years and unfortunately, not for the better. I'm going to the land of oil, irresponsibility, laziness and fake boobs. Sounds exciting, right?

I just have to focus on my ability.

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